Monday, November 16, 2009

Been Sick

HUH- so much for working out. I've been down with a sore throat.. I'm going to rest this one off- hopefully tomorrow I'll be ready to go.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Night Before Training

I've decided to bring better health to my mind, body, and spirit- I'm going to start working out after 3 years of being lazy.

My Goal of this blog is to keep track of my progress and stay motivated working on a more fit body. By the time I'm done, Warner Brothers will be calling me to star in their new 300 Sequel.

Here is how I'm going to get there- I'm real cheap so, won't be paying for a gym membership or personal trainer. All the workouts will be done in my garage/local park with the knowledge gained from the internet, books, and friends who actually workout. I will also, be changing my diet to meet the workout routine. Kind of sucks to start this time of year due to the fact I don't like the cold but, no excuses this is happening.

Here are my photo's today: